Episode 1: Best Selling Arthur
You may not appreciate the therapeutic benefits of dancing into a wall, but you will soon.
Episode 2: Three Dot Meditations
Ever fly your hot tub into the sunrise? Come on, jump in! Wonders await. You never know what you’ll see!
Episode 3: Once a Girl
Ever try something that seemed like a good idea at the time, but then you ran smack into all sorts of unanticipated stuff? Our author made it back from this adventure to tell the tale…
Episode 4: The Fresh Air Kid
Sometimes a really big thing happens right in your own backyard, and later you realize your world was changed forever.
Episode 5: To The Last Bite & Number Thirty
I hope you’ve not experienced what John describes in these two true tales, but you probably have…
Episode 6: All Around Cowboy
Admittedly, there are some things about growing older that are not much fun, but the accomplishments of a lifetime stay with us…
Episode 7: Horrors
Today’s story is “Horrors.” In the night, alone, in your own bed, terrors of childhood can revisit without warning decades later. Maybe this experience has happened to you too…
Episode 8: World’s End
In an unexpected moment a veil can part in our hearts to reveal an astounding glimpse of things to come. Today’s true tale is one of skipping stones and skipping heartbeats…